Fully Protected species may not be taken or possessed at any time and no licenses or permits may be issued for their take except for collecting these species for necessary scientific research, relocation of the bird species for the protection of livestock, or if they are a covered species whose conservation and management is provided for in a Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP).
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The Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A. provides the following cities and county areas with services to license their dog: Chino, Chino Hills, Claremont, Covina, Diamond Bar, Glendora, La Verne, Montclair, Mt. Baldy, Ontario, Pomona, San Antonio Heights, San Dimas, Unincorporated cities (Chino, Chino Hills, Ontario, & Montclair)
Licenses are valid from time of purchase from one to two years. PLEASE NOTE THIS EXCEPTION: If your rabies expires, so does your license. The Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A. assists dog owners with getting a reduced fee rabies vaccine for their furry companion by holding vaccination clinics on the shelter premises. See the calendar for more detailed clinic information.
Many dog owners purchase I.D. tags for their animals and believe this is the only form of identification needed. While an I.D. tag is optional, it is required by city and state mandates that each dog (and cat in some cities) be issued and wear a valid license. The difference between an I.D. tag and a license is that and I.D. tag simply has the name of the animal, a contact phone number for the owner, and possibly the address. A license has the number of the local humane society where the dog is registered, and a numbered code. If someone finds your dog, they call the humane society and report the number. The humane society can look up the information in the computer and determine all important contact information for the owner including address, phone number and whether the dog has a current rabies vaccination. A license also proves your pet has been vaccinated for rabies and the ID does not. Failure to have a licensed dog on your property over the age of 4 months will result in additional fees.
Senior citizens may qualify for a discounted licensing fee. A senior citizen is a pet owner over 65 years of age (60 years in Diamond Bar). If you believe you qualify for a discounted fee, please inform customer service representative. If you are completing a license by mail, please attach a copy of your license. Note that an altered pet is a pet that has been spayed or neutered.
Carrying a Firearm: Any licensed trapper is allowed to carry a firearm at any time while tending traps (including nights and Sundays) for the sole purpose of dispatching trapped animals. However, any person prohibited from possessing a firearm under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 15, Section 393 is prohibited from carrying a firearm during the open trapping season for the purpose of dispatching animals unless they have obtained a valid permit to carry a firearm.
Disturbing Traps: It is unlawful to take or disturb any trap, or any wild animal which is caught in a trap, without permission from the owner of the trap. An individual convicted of disturbing traps, will lose any license in effect, and be ineligible to purchase any license issued by the Department for 3 years.
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance & Foundation is the brand name for the program operations of Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, LLC. Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, LLC is a licensed producer in all states (TX license # 1636108); operating in California as Healthy Paws Pet Insurance Services, LLC (CA license #0H16053), and in New York as Healthy Paws Pet Insurance Agency, LLC.
The registrant may receive one distinctive license plate for display on a private passenger automobile or pickup truck, and shall be exempt from the payment of the motor vehicle registration fee, ad valorem tax and any additional fees.
Alabama residents who are active or retired firefighters of a paid, part-paid or volunteer fire department or widows or widowers of firefighters who died in the line of duty and are vehicle owners of private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles) not exceeding 12,000 pounds gross vehicle weight may purchase license plates in this category.
To hunt wild turkey during the spring season, a valid spring turkey hunting license and Game Bird Habitat stamp privilege are required. Those who have a lifetime comprehensive hunting, lifetime comprehensive hunting and fishing, or resident youth hunt/trap license can hunt wild turkey and do not need to purchase the Game Bird Habitat stamp privilege.
Opposition to perceived discrimination also does not serve as license for the employee to neglect job duties. If an employee's protests render the employee ineffective in the job, the retaliation provisions do not immunize the employee from appropriate discipline or discharge.[53]
Same as above, except the job sought by the employee was in accounting and it required a CPA license, which she lacked and the selectee had. She knew that it was necessary to have a CPA license to perform this job. She has not engaged in protected opposition because she did not have a reasonable good faith belief that she was rejected because of sex discrimination.
The vast Monongahela National Forest has numerous hunting opportunities. Typical big and small game include deer, bear, turkey, grouse, and woodcock. Hunting licenses are available online.
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