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Comelz Caligola Ver 3 99 (April-2022)

Jun 27, 2020 wasdei 7b17bfd26b Reply. A: This should be the list of sizes of all files of a specific.rar archive. Q: How do I split string in MVC I have a string that I get in view. How do I split the string based on the space between "Model.Name" and "Model.Description". I want to set the h1 and p as separate strings. A: Use a variable named @ @Model.Name @Model.Description And in your controller: [HttpPost] public ActionResult SomeAction(Model model) { string[] array = model.Name.Split(' '); var modelName = array[0]; var description = array[1]; return View(model); } Q: XML XSL to transform the items in a list to their descriptions I have a list of countries in an XML document, and an XSL document that I use to transform the list into a report. The list is generated by a SQL Server query, and is formatted like this: AUST Australia The report I am outputting is: AUST Australia The XSL I am using is a simple transform, the structure being: ac619d1d87

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