The new balance of power within DS led to an early party conference. At the party conference on 5 January 1994 in Belgrade, Đinđić became president, pushing out personal political mentor Mićunović who was forced into resigning as the local party branches turned against him. The (in)famous quip uttered at the conference by 41-year-old Đinđić about 63-year-old Mićunović was: "Mićunović's time has passed.... He's no Tina Turner who sings better now than when she was thirty".[15] In his embittered speech at the conference during which he resigned his post, Mićunović characterized the manner of Đinđić's takeover of DS as the "combination of Machiavellianism and revolutionary technique".[16] In this internal party showdown with Mićunović, Đinđić also benefited from some discreet support in the Milošević-controlled state-run media.[15] Though many DS members didn't like the way this transfer of power was executed, symbolically referring to it as "oceubistvo" (patricide).Đinđić managed to quickly move DS away from what he occasionally referred to in derisive terms as the "debate club" towards a modern and efficient organizational structure that functioned according to a business management model.[17] In February 1994, Đinđić visited Pale to meet with Radovan Karadžić, saying that he had gone to Bosnia to "express solidarity with the people of the Bosnian Serb republic."[14]
A series of mysterious assassinations, including the shooting of Yugoslav Defence Minister Pavle Bulatović on 7 February 2000 in a restaurant, began taking place. Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Šešelj maintained during his testimony at Milošević's trial that this murder was carried as a prelude to the successful hijacking of the Socialist People's Party of Montenegro in October 2000 by Predrag Bulatović, who successfully reversed the parliamentary majority won by Milošević and his allies, moving his party in alliance with Đinđić's Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS). In April, JAT chairman and Yugoslav United Left member Žika Petrović was gunned down as he was walking his dog. In late August, former Serbian President Ivan Stambolić disappeared; he had been murdered on Fruška Gora mountain by members of Serbia's Special Operations Unit. Đinđić and his allies openly accused Milošević of these events, claiming that he had either ordered them or was no longer able to maintain control and should therefore step down.
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Manifest za nov način mišljenja problematike proizvodnje ljudske egzistencije u novim istorijskim kontekstima. Proširujući definiciju ekologije kako bi obuhvatila društvene odnose i ljudsku subjektivnost, kao i brigu o životnoj sredini, Feliks Gatari tvrdi da su ekološke krize koje prete našoj planeti direktan rezultat ekspanzije novog oblika kapitalizma i da nam je potreban novi, ekofilozofski pristup koji uvažava razlike između svih živih sistema. 2ff7e9595c